Assistive Technology

Autism Society Southern Arizona Lending Library

The Autism Society Southern Arizona offers a lending library at our office located at 2600 N.Wyatt Drive.


Listed below is a compilation of some websites that provide various assistive technology information for free and for purchasing. Links to visual supports

Social Stories

There are various techniques and resources available that can help individuals on the spectrum improve social language and the ability to understand social situations. Websites with free or for-purchase information:

Visual Supports

Visual supports can help parents of ASD children learn to communicate their needs. Websites with free or for-purchase information:


Easter Seals has an online resource to assist with learning about technology. Bridging the gap between technology and people with disabilities, BridgingApps is a volunteer community of parents, therapists, doctors and teachers that shares information on how to use the iPad, iPhone, iPod Touch and Android devices with people with disabilities. Increasingly, mobile devices are able to provide accessibility for people who may have been previously disengaged from the world because of challenging language, motor, or other developmental delays.

Areas of Assistive Technology Webcast

Learn about the different areas of assistive technology in more detail such as reading, writing, math, learning/studying, vision, hearing, communication, access to environment, activities of daily living, and social behavior in this archived OCALI webinar.

Upcoming OCALI Assistive Technology Webinars

Assistive Technology Resource Documents