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The Autism Society of Southern Arizona Starfish Award

The Starfish Award was started to recognize those who are working to support the Autism community of Southern Arizona.

There is a story often told of a young man walking down the beach throwing starfish stranded on the sand back into the ocean as he walks. Another man approaches him and says “Why are you bothering? You will never save them all!” The young man throws another starfish back into the sea and responds, “But it matters to that one.”

Every day we have the opportunity to improve the lives of those around us. We at the Autism Society of Southern Arizona strive to make Southern Arizona an amazing place to be Autistic through community building, advocacy, and training throughout the community. We want to honor those who are working towards this mission with us in big and small ways. When we work together to make a difference our actions build on each other and to create stronger communities.

We will be awarding Starfish Awards as nominations occur throughout the year and once a year a Superstar Award to someone making an extra impact.

Do you know someone who is working to make the lives of Autistic individuals better and helping to support the Autistic community?
A teacher who goes the extra mile, a therapist who makes an effort to understand, someone creating programming or working to make a space more inclusive? Please fill out the form below.

Starfish of the Year 2024

Vanessa Zuber- Statewide Director or Employment Servies at Workability

Vanessa has been supporting the Autism Society since it began 10 years ago and started our Adult Social Club and Playformance Meet- Up. She continues to advocate for the Autistic community and help many find accessible employment. 

Jennifer Casteix, MS, CCC-SLP- A longtime advocate and supporter of the Autistic community, Dr. Casteix organizes the STEAM Camps every year and was part of creating the Blue Envelope Program with ADOT.

Ricki Williams- Student Advocate started an Autism Awareness program at her school.

Starfish of the Year 2023- Laura Valenzuela A board member for many years, Laura has been pivotal in planning our All In For Autism & created the Sensory Friendly Santa Event. 

Elizabeth Gallagher- as the Director of the Abbie School, she creates loving supportive environments for Autistic kids to learn and thrive.

U of A College of Engineering- Developing Internship Program