Chat over the M-Chat with Developmental Pediatrician, Dr. Riley
If you have developmental concerns about your child 1 – 3 years old, we will review the M-CHAT screening tool together, and you can share the results with your pediatrician.
Developmental Pediatrician, Dr. Catherine Riley will educate families about the screening tool and encourage participants to share with their pediatrician. We will share the CDC milestone tracker and provide a list of providers who can evaluate for Autism.
The M-CHAT will be provided in advance and we can go through each question together as a group. If the result shows the child is at risk for Autism Spectrum Disorder, we can discuss the next steps.
Please complete the registration form below and you will be sent a Zoom link to the email you provide on April 15th.
If you would like to attend this educational virtual workshop please complete the information below: